Our AI algorithm provides practical recommendations for post op pain management and risk stratification based on integrated patient data.

Healthcare institutions attempt to safeguard patient outcomes with risk stratification and management tools. Surgical risks are among the most critical risk measures not only affecting the patient's outcomes but also the institutions financial performance, brand value, resources and community standing.
Surgical & procedural risks are impacted by hundreds of variables and current risk stratification processes are either based on human expertise, which is unreliable to which could be unreliable, or based on subjective unscalable models.
The issue of unintentional bias and low accuracy remains a challenge.

Constance offers comprehensive, AI-based, individualized algorithms to mitigate peri-operative risks.
- Comprehensive: encompassing all the elements that impact patient’s risk profile
- Easy to use: seamless user experience and EHR integration.
- Scalable: a cloud-based risk stratification solution.
- Accurate: proven state-of-the-art AI models based on large data sets.
Constance is developed by experts in data science, artificial intelligence, peri-operative risk analytic, and patient outcome assessment, our innovative products not only embrace the latest technologies, but also provide solutions to current healthcare challenges.
To assist healthcare professionals in delivering optimal peri-operative care by providing a comprehensive patient-specific risk profile.
To bring empowerment and fulfilment through big data analytics, evidence-based research, intuitive design, and personalized functions.